Ingredients: turmeric, coriander, nutmeg, garlic, ajowan, onion, black salt, cloves, fenugreek, cumin, black pepper, mango, ginger.
Use: lentils and soups, also for all curry preparations.
Price: 11.00/100 g.
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Ingredients: garlic, onion, hot pepper, fleur...
Ingredients: onion, cubeb pepper,...
Ingredients: chili pepper, mandarin peel mikan,...
Use: mulled wines, cooked pear and apple...
Ingredients: basil, tomato, salt, paprika,...
Very aromatic pepper with a spicy bite. Use :...
Ingredients: ginger, cloves, cinnamon, mace,...
Use: infuse in oil to color and flavor rice...
Fruity, spicy pepper with a hint of mandarin....
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